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on July 9, 2007 at 10:43:54 am

Mustaches of the Nineteenth Century


Glossary of specialized terminology




A poor unfortunate who does not or cannot have a mustache; depending on context this is a term of derision or pity.



A gathering of three or more mustaches where the mustachioed outnumber the barelipped by at least two to one.



An impressive form of the Handlebar that stretches the width of the face.



A mustache grown to have long sides that is held rigid by wax or other products to keep it from dropping below the mouth. Term originated amoung shocked travelers who were gravely assualted when natives mistook their faces for bicycles.


Overhand Twist

The twisted end of a handlebar mustache that curves upward toward the eyes.



A mustache that extends below the lower lip. Also known as The Nietzsche.


Underhand Twist

The twisted end of a handlebar mustache that curves downward toward the jaw.




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